Marketing, Design and Hospitality Business blog that I would want to read.

Marketing Tips

How to write great headlines

Most people suck at writing headlines for their marketing.

Writing headlines for social media posts, blogs or anything for marketing use.

Here are 6 ways to capture attention with your digital copywriting.

  1. Open with a moment in time:
    Last weekend…, In 2009…, Back when I opened my business…, When I was 21…,
  2. Open with a controversial opinion:
    80% of running a business is about carrying out human resourcing tasks…,
  3. Open with a vulnerable statement:
    When I was 25, I had to close down a business…, I had been fired 3 times before…,
  4. Open with a strong declarative:
    Looking at business figures for 30 min first thing in the morning is the best one can do to improve their business…,
  5. Open with a thought-provoking question:
    Did you know that the average business owner has less than 2 months’ worth of savings…,
  6. Open with a weird, unique insight:
    My managers can do anything I do within my own business…,

There you go. I hope these gave you some ideas for next time when typing in your new post headline.

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I am Shopi.
I help businesses build solid online foundations.