Marketing, Design and Hospitality Business blog that I would want to read.

Hospitality Marketing

HospoHQ Marketing Hub NZ

Marketing Toolbox for Hospo Pros

Join this FREE resource to improve your hospitality business (hotels, restaurants and cafes) with industry-specific marketing knowledge, strategy and tips in NZ.

  • Professional Group
  • Solution-Oriented Leaders
  • No B.S., No Fluff Content
  • Shared Learning + Q&As

Group memberships are open to decision-makers within the hospitality industry living in New Zealand. Whether you want to ask questions, discuss issues or observe anonymously in the background, this group will give out free tips, tricks, and resources to all who join.

My personal vision and goal with the group is:
By joining this hospo-specific marketing group, one will find like-minded members coming together to support each other for the benefit of all. Let’s forget competition; instead, we should learn from each other, progress, and work together.

It is easier to climb the mountain when you have others around you supporting the journey.

For more info, click here